As February 1st rolled over, the Process reached an important landmark. Page loads to the site reached 100,000! For other sites, this may not seem like much but for the little webcomic that could, it's a pretty big deal and I am very happy with it. When I started this project, I never dreamt that it would take off like it has. It's still not a juggernaut but all things have to start somewhere and so far this has been a wonderful beginning. So my thanks go out to all of you out there who have visited this site regularly or just once. It's your support and readership that helps power this engine onward.
Recently I have been posting a lot of stuff on the blog. It's been a busy week with the Threadless submission and Webcomicgeek's nomination. So I am condensing another news item into this post. John Parkin over at has been a big supporter of this site and today he posted this little number to help generate more support for Roboto Mori on Threadless. He writes,
Joe Infurnari, the creative genius behind the webcomic The Process and the special guest artist of Wasteland #14, also designs T-shirts … his latest design, pictured above, is currently up for voting on, which prints shirts based on user interest (Web 2.0 at work!) If you think it’s a cool design, head over there and vote.
So there you have it. It's been a great week, folks. I'm going to get some more work done so go have yourselves a wonderful weekend.