Today's topic on Drawbridge is Benjamin Franklin. You'll see a lot of 'portraits' on there today but none will be as accurate a portrayal of this 'man' as what you see above. Amen.
Daily Warmup Sketch: Kirby's New Gods!
Here's Kalibak. For more Fourth World glory, go visit Drawbridge!
Long Live the Queen…
Here's the inked version of yesterday's Halloween themed daily warmup sketch. Enjoy!
Daily Warmup Sketch: Halloween!
I like to call this one, "The King is Dead. Long Live the Queen."
Daily Warmup Sketch: The Masters of the Universe!
Today's theme, The Masters of the Universe, inspired me to do Mer-man! For the rest of today's drawings click here.
Daily Warmup Sketch: Asking for Sex!
This week, we almost implemented a new feature on Drawbridge: Twitter Tuesdays. Every Tuesday was supposed to be dedicated to illustrating one of the top trending topics on Twitter that day. Unfortunately in the chaos of organizing this new idea, we ended up with two themes, Bowling and #askingforsex. Here's my response to the latter. For the other drawings to this theme and Bowling, visit Drawbridge.
Daily Warmup Sketch: Marriage!
In honor of Tim Hamilton and Jean Lee's wedding this past weekend, today's Drawbridge theme is Marriage. Here's mine. For the rest, click here.
Daily Warmup Sketch: Robert Mitchum
For the rest of today's warmup sketches, visit Drawbridge.